“The poetry festival in Shiraz is very much based on the International Film festival circuit that I have had the privilege to travel through,” says filmmaker Ann Marie Fleming.
“It’s an oasis where you are a guest, more than a tourist, and everybody wants to tell you about their country – its food, its politics, its history. You are with people from all over the world and you are talking about art and ideas. It’s a pretty special world.
“When I was at the Akademie Schloss Solitude the director there, Herr Jean Baptiste Joly, was very interested in inviting artists from the many different cultural diasporas that had left the country because of WWII, back to Germany.
“Much of the artwork these people created had to do with confronting their family/cultural history. Cyrus was very much based on my conversations there.”
Camyar Chaichian is the voice of Cyrus.
Pictured here is a page from the Window Horses graphic novel – one with Kevin Langdale’s original designs, the other frames from the final film.