Window Horses - Behind the Curtains

Kelly is Rosie’s best friend. Or only friend. Or imaginary friend. When Rosie was first written, she was a lonely girl who lived in her imaginary world of poetry, music and horses in her room, dreaming of Paris.

“Every character in this film is a compilation of people I have met,” says filmmaker Ann Marie Fleming.

“Rosie is very much my alter ego, she is also from an over-protective Chinese family whose grandparents don’t ever really want to have her out of their sight. But I wanted to make her more relatable to a North American audience. So in revisions, she gets a part time job and a best friend – Kelly – who gets to say and think and do all the things that Rosie can’t do.”

She is outgoing, straightforward, opinionated and free. And she calls Rosie on all the little white lies she tells herself. Ellen Page is the voice of Kelly. 

Pictured here is a page from the Window Horses graphic novel – one with Kevin Langdale’s original designs, the other frames from the final film.